What is a mutual fund?

A mutual fund is an asset managed by a fund management company. It is formed by the sum of voluntary contributions of money from people and companies, which are called participants.

Mutual funds are an investment alternative in the stock market and are made up of money contributions from natural and legal persons, called participants, who seek to maximize the profitability of their investment.

Benefits of investing in Mutual Funds

Diversification: Consists of reducing individual risks; a mutual fund invests and distributes the money in various financial instruments.

Knowledge: Access to the stock market with the choice of the product according to your investment profile.

Professional administration: We have advisors and appropriate investment personnel, who will facilitate the monitoring of investments with quality management.

Security and guarantees: Mutual funds are regulated under Peruvian regulations and GRUPO CORIL SAF has an operating license as a fund management company.

The promoters are prevented from receiving money under any form. All contributions must be deposited in the mutual fund's collection accounts.